transformation doula





⚘ renewal ⚘ metamorphosis ⚘ reinvention

As a transformation doula,

I'm prepared to empower you through pivotal life changes. As your steadfast guide and ally, I am here to champion and support you as you embark on a journey of metamorphosis and rebirth. With a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that transformation brings, I offer a reassuring container for discovery, a wellspring of wisdom, inspired solutions, and an unwavering source of encouragement.

Whether anticipated or unforeseen, significant life changes serve as disruptions that awaken us, offering portals to commit to our dreams and full potential. We will approach your reinvention as a sacred rite of passage, honoring your unique path with reverence and a spirit of dazzling potential. Together, we will navigate the twists and turns of your adventure, helping you emerge on the other side with newfound clarity, resilience, and a deeper connection to your authentic self.

  • Quests for self-actualization & full-potential

    Change in partnership status

    • break-ups

    • separation

    • divorce

    • relationship renegotiation (toward non-monogamy, monogamy, relationship anarchy)

    Geographical relocation

    Intimate partner loss

    Friendship loss

    Career change


    Gender self-discovery

    Sexuality self-inquiry

    Caring for aging parents

    Welcoming a new family member


    New diagnosis

    Body changes

    - menopause

    - hormone treatment

    - significant weight gain or loss

    Sustainable lifestyle design

    Integrating a transformative experience

    - spiritual awakening or emergence

    - increased exposure in a public-facing role


  • Compassionate witness & space holding

    Emotional & spiritual support


    Relational processing

    Personalized ritual creation

    Custom somatic practice design

    - movement

    - breath

    - meditation

    Journaling prompts for self-discovery

    Tailored educational resources

    Body doubling

    Accountability coaching

    Strategic care planning

    Next phase planning

    Life & relationship examination

    Rest-of-your-life exploration


    Access to me by text, phone and email

Offerings & packages


  • A unique opportunity to collaborate directly with me, without committing to the full doula service. Recognizing the individual nature of each journey, I'm here to offer you personalized, practical tools and dedicated support in the area that matters most to you. Let's work together to bring more nourishment, meaning, and empowerment to your experience.

    You will walk away with clarity, comfort and an in-depth custom care plan to support the goals we outline together.

    What’s included

    Complementary alignment call

    A 90-minute deep dive support session on the topic of your choice

    Customized care plan

  • $225


  • 3 Series

    Evolve through a series of three sessions in which we’ll clarify your core values and desires. Guided by the roots of your longing, we’ll craft practices and strategies to launch your personal growth trajectory.

    What’s included

    Complementary alignment call

    Three 60-minute sessions curated to meet the needs of your values and growth.

    In-depth custom care strategy

  • $450


  • 6 Series

    Step into the cocoon of transformation with the Metamorphosis journey, a three-month partnership designed to assist you through profound change and growth. Through a series of six immersive sessions held twice a month, you'll experience a revolutionary blend of boutique support, radical permission-granting self-discovery activities, embodiment coaching, self-compassion training, customized liberatory somatic practices, personalized rituals, and creative resources tailored to your precise needs. As your dedicated transformation doula, I'll be by your side, offering uplifting encouragement, grounding companionship, and fresh perspective. Together, we'll navigate the unique contours of your journey, helping you emerge as the exquisite individual you're meant to become. Are you ready to embrace your metamorphosis?

    What’s included

    Complementary alignment call

    Six 60-minute sessions curated to meet the needs of your unique evolution.

    In-depth bespoke care strategy

  • $900

who are you becoming? 🦋

Let’s Find out together